Animation Password Input
Animation Password Input
Animation Password Input
Enter a password.
- At least 8 characters - Requirement not met
- At least 1 number - Requirement not met
- At least 1 lowercase letter - Requirement not met
- At least 1 uppercase letter - Requirement not met
- At least 1 special character - Requirement not met
Install the following dependencies:
npm install class-variance-authority @radix-ui/react-label
Copy and paste the cn util code into your project.
import { ClassValue, clsx } from "clsx"
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge"
export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
return twMerge(clsx(inputs))
Copy and paste the password code into your project.
API Reference
Prop | Type | Description |
children | React.ReactNode | The content to be wrapped inside the input wrapper. |
...props | input | Props forwarded to the input component. |