Floating Dock
Floating Dock
A floating dock component like mac, acts as a navigation bar.
Install the following dependencies:
npm install framer-motion
Copy and paste the Floating Dock code into your project.
API Reference
First Dock
Prop | Type | Description |
mobileClassName | string | Additional classes for the mobile. |
desktopClassName | string | Additional classes for the desktop. |
items | { title: string; icon: React.ReactNode; href: string }[] | The items to display in the dock. |
animate | boolean | Enables or disables sidebar animations. |
const links = [
title: "Twitter",
icon: (
<Twitter className="size-full text-neutral-500 dark:text-neutral-300" />
href: "",
title: "GitHub",
icon: (
<Icons.gitHub className="size-full text-neutral-500 dark:text-neutral-300" />
href: "",
export default function Demo() {
return (
<div className="flex items-center justify-center h-[35rem] w-full">
mobileClassName="translate-y-20" // only for demo, remove for production
Second Dock
Prop | Type | Description |
className | string | Additional classes for the Dock. |
whileTap | string | VariantLabels | TargetAndTransition |
...props | motion.div props | Other props forwarded to the motion div. |
Three Dock
Prop | Type | Description |
className | string | Additional classes for the Dock. |
children | React.ReactNode | The content of the Dock. |
size | number | Dock Icon size. |
magnification | number | Dock Icon magnification. |
distance | number | Dock Icon distance. |
...props | motion.div props | Other props forwarded to the motion div. |