Animations Preview

Animations Preview

Display some hoooot Animations, There are 100+ components for you!

Sprinkle flowers Button

Sprinkle flowers Button

Click the button to trigger the flower effect.

Record Card

Record Card

If you want to reorder the cards, use Recorder Card to achieve this effect smoothly.

Workflow Animation

Workflow Animation

You can see the workflow with scrolling.

Bill Calendar

Bill Calendar

Displays a beautiful Bill Calendar.

Animation Password Input

Animation Password Input

Animation Password Input with some checking and tips.

Twitter Display

Twitter Display

Twitter Display Animation by using react-tweet.

Scroll island

Scroll island

Displays a beautiful Scroll island.

Floating Dock

Floating Dock

A floating dock component like mac, acts as a navigation bar.

Animations Stepper

Animations Stepper

Displays a beautiful Animations Stepper.

Animation Wallet Card

Animation Wallet Card

Displays a beautiful Animation Wallet Card.

Animation Features of Bento grid

Animation Features of Bento grid

Displays a beautiful Animation Features of Bento grid.

Smooth Typing Text

Smooth Typing Text

Displays a beautiful Smooth Typing Text.

Fliping Text

Fliping Text

Displays a beautiful Fliping Text.

Window Typing Text

Window Typing Text

Displays a beautiful Window Typing Text.